B.Ed. Semester - III
Practical Work
School Internship Programme -
The student teacher will be attached to a upper primary/ secondary school for 16
weeks where he/she will function as an inter teacher. During internship, he/she will perform the following practical activities and maintain a record of it.
- Practice Teaching is school subjec —Preparation of lesson plan for at least 20 lessons is each school subject. However, the student teacher will be required to teach as per allocation. At least 25% of the planned lessons will be supervised by the faculty members.
- Preparation of School Profile- The student teacher will be required to prepare a profile of the school on the basis of the observation during her/his stay is the school.
- Action Research- The student teacher will be required to conduct an Action Research on a problem which is visible is the school where he/she has been attached.
- Achievement Test- Administration, scoring and reporting of a psychological test. Alternatively, the student teacher can prepare an Achievement test, administer the test and perform item analysis.
- Project work- The student teacher will be required to carry out a project work is any one teaching subject which will be allotted to them by the concerned subject teacher.
Lesson Plan, Action Research, School Profile & Project Work — Click Here
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